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- Mechanical
CNC Machine 5
Well, it's been a few months since I gave a teaser about it, and a couple of days ago, it did its first machining - to level the bed.
Basic design
The basic design is similar to CNC Machine 4 - the X-axis towers are fixed to a frame, and the bed is attached to the Y-axis. The Z-axis moves in between the X-axis towers.
The main difference is that I designed about 98% of the machine using CAD, and bought aluminium - plates that were cut to the sizes required (although mid-manufacture redesigns did take place), and bar that I cut to length using my old Stayer 74 chop saw that I used on my Steel Cobra.
I used the 4th CNC machine to mark out the holes, and my pillar drill to drill them properly. I also had some 700mm long 30120 aluminium sections that would be perfect - although I initially thought they were 800mm long, so when the design wanted 800mm for the width, I had to use some off-cuts from the side to lengthen it (luckily I also had some joiners).
The thing that amazed me was that it just bolted together - the only bit of rework I had to do was when I'd accidentally moved the hole on one piece, but not the threaded hole on the piece to which it attached. Yay for CAD!